Spray Foam Insulation seals your home from air and moisture intrusion, saves on costly utility bills, strengthens your home, and helps protect your family’s health from dangerous mold, airborne pollutants, and allergens.
Super insulate your home or new construction and save thousands.
Protect your business and save on expenses.
Protect your crops and livestock from frost and condensation.
Spray Polyurethane Foam, or SPF, is a high-performance insulation material commonly used in homes and buildings of all types. SPF is particularly known for its ability to help improve the health, comfort, and energy efficiency of a home. The use of the material can dramatically reduce the energy costs associated with heating and cooling while helping to keep the home interior comfortable year-round, even as the seasons change. SPF has been used as insulation in homes and buildings for decades. As a new homeowner or prospective buyer or builder, you may have questions about the material and how well it works.
SPF is a type of polyurethane. Polyurethane was invented in the 1930s and, has since become utilized widely and safely in several different applications. In fact, we all interact with polyurethanes daily. It is the preferred material used in furniture, mattresses, automobiles, airplanes, clothing, shoes, sporting and camping equipment.
Additionally, rigid polyurethane foam is used to insulate refrigerators, freezers, coolers, and hot water heaters. With so many uses for polyurethane, it is hard to imagine life without it.
Why Choose Spray Foam?
• Control your indoor air quality
• Increase your indoor comfort in all rooms
• Save 30% or more on heating and cooling costs
• Keep your home cooler in summer & warmer in winter
• Reduce pollutants, allergens & pests entering your home
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Spray Foam Mythbuster
What have you heard about SPF? Here are a few of the most common myths or misconceptions we are often asked about.
MYTH #1: SPF is flammable.
False…Cured SPF and the chemicals used to make SPF are not flammable. They are considered ‘combustible’, which like many common building materials, including wood, means it requires a higher than normal temperature to ignite. And in some cases, spray foam can improve fire safety by blocking flame spread inside frame walls.
MYTH #2: SPF emits toxic chemicals.
MYTH #3: SPF creates a home envelope that doesn’t allow a building to ‘breathe’.
True…which is good. SPF prevents the infiltration of unwanted moisture and exfiltration of conditioned air which, in turn, can reduce condensation that causes mold, mildew, poor indoor air quality, rot or corrosion of the home. A properly designed spray foam home will also include controlled ventilation to bring in small amounts of outside air to displace odors from normal homeowner activity while minimizing energy loss.
MYTH #4: SPF increases termite infestations.
False…SPF is not a food source for wood-destroying organisms like termites. SPF seals cracks and gaps in the home, reducing paths for entry of insects and other pests. SPF also controls the infiltration of unwanted moisture, which termites need to thrive. When properly applied, SPF can be installed to allow for regular visual termite inspections by pest management professionals, providing no greater risk to termite damage than any other cavity insulation.